Love or Infatuation?  

Posted by olbi in ,

Have you ever felt being in love? Or was it just an infatuation? Well, currently I’m infatuated with a person and it seems so awkward and obviously hopeless because I know I can’t be happy and be with that person. Anyway, how could one differentiate if what you’re feeling is love or merely an infatuation? base from this book entitled Marriage and the Family by Stephen A. Grunlan, infatuation is born at first sight while love takes time to develop; infatuation tends to focus on a single aspect of the other, while love focuses on the whole person. Further, infatuation is an immature emotional response to a person of the opposite sex based on superficial or idealized characteristics rather than the whole person.

Actually, authentic love could be clearly understood only when you’re already in a commitment or relationship with another. Many definitions and ideals were already publicized and written in papers yet both terms remain difficult to define. Why need a definition? Don't define IT, just feel IT. I remembered so well when I was young and many of my friends had autograph notebooks and the part you need to fill up was the “Define Love” corner. On that particular aspect, I was having a hard time answering it myself so what I did was I merely wrote the lyrics of a song that describes love. Up until now, I can’t honestly share what love is and what infatuation means. All I know is I’ve already experienced both and I just know what I’m feeling is Love or Infatuation. It comes with your intuition I guess. I’m just happy knowing that I am infatuated with a friend and I don’t want to make these feelings worse to wind up with love. According to M.H. Ford, infatuation is a mild form of attraction – I want to adhere unto this thought until these feelings are gone.


Stephen A. Grunlan. Marriage and the Family. 2nd Ed. 1999. pp.59-61

M.H. Ford. Personal Power. 2004. p124