
Posted by olbi in

Tonight, my cousin’s boyfriend came to have dinner with us. He’s from Ireland I guess, and he has British accent that seemed to be difficult to understand sometimes. hehe... By then I noticed something: different countries around the world really have diverse customs and practices. For an instance, on the dining table, I observed he has a different way of using the utensils unlike what Filipinos usually do. He, with proper etiquette, was guided by my cousin the time he was choosing his food ‘til the part he was using his utensils (maybe in his country, he used to have many utensils that function differently but to sum up those things in the Philippines, you can merely use a fork, a spoon, and the plate with nothing else involve). Also, it was his first time to eat “lechon manok” and “liempo”; he appreciated both though. What’s more, he didn’t pray before we eat, maybe because he has a different religion apart from us. Those things I observed were among the few I hold on to about him. Nonetheless, he’s one hell of a nice guy. I have nothing against that man and I’ll give him two thumbs up to be paired with my cousin. As a whole, he enjoyed the night in our house because he was welcomed (Filipinos really are hospitable!)

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