coffee for your health  

Posted by olbi in ,

Before I start with my posts… let me share something about coffee, since I’m currently indulging one right now… and it’s my fourth cup actually. Anyway, coffee is good for our body, especially if one is very much inclined to it. The caffeine per se has many advantages. First, drinking coffee helps fight signs of aging. Because caffeine is an antioxidant, it facilitates in expelling the “dirt” inside our body. Hence, when you always drink coffee, you may look younger than you expect (what's the explanation?? nah! too tired to explain). Next, coffee will stimulate the body and the mind, making you activated for the day’s work. The impulses will become strong, palpitations may also occur. However, I guess drinking coffee may not necessarily indicate that an individual will become intelligent. Coffee can merely make you alive or energetic thus making you cope up with things. Also, it directly stimulates your mind to have more focus (therefore, don’t rely on coffee too much if you’re asking for good grades on exams or whatever, hard work plus coffee may be good factors to add up with our way of life). Another fact about coffee is that it might help fight diabetes mellitus. Base from studies, drinking at least five or more cups a day will be helpful to avoid the existence of diabetes especially to those people who’re prone to such disease (and I’m one of them, *freaky!)… So, knowing some of the advantages of drinking coffee, why not give it a shot? I mean, drink coffee as much as you can and make it a priority in your food pyramid (not water?)… hehe… cheers amigo!

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