the Hottie and the Nottie  

Posted by olbi in

Together with my friends, I watched the movie ‘the Hottie and the Nottie’ merely to unwind after a stressful day in school. The film is very typical because you get to predict that the ‘nottie’ would then become ‘somebody’. Starred by Paris Hilton (also as an executive producer herself) and Christine Lakin, ‘the Hottie and the Nottie’ will surely make you say “eeewww” and will create other mix expressions because the movie is hilarious and disgusting. On the other hand, I’m not a fan of Paris Hilton though but as we observed, all she did in the movie was to be gorgeous, sexy, and seductive (which of course was her role, and in real life, is her character). It’s just funny because Nate Cooper, the guy in the movie, refused to be with Paris despite the fact that Paris was really HOT in that scene (shown in the end part of the movie). Anyhow, it’s better that people will also watch the movie and judge for yourself if the film is good or what.

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